well what a coincedence.i am a BIG sonic fan too!i know every sonic character.sonic,tails,knucles,shadow,
rouge,omega,amy,big,cream,cheese,espi o,
vector,charmy,eggman,cosmo,sally,tika l,gamma,beta,black doom,dooms eye,silver,blaze,bunnie,chip,sonic the werehog,omacho,metal sonic,metal knuckles,super sonic,super shadow,super tails,dark sonic,super knuckles,eggmans grandfather,and i think that is pretty much all the characters.
wow dude u know a lot of characters but u forgot about the older ones like Mighty, Ray and Bean and since u mentioned sally, bunny, why didn't u mentioned rotor, antoine... but anyways I guess I'm pushing too much now =)
well what a coincedence.i am a BIG sonic fan too!i know every sonic character.sonic,tails,knucles,shadow,
rouge,omega,amy,big,cream,cheese,espi o,
vector,charmy,eggman,cosmo,sally,tika l,gamma,beta,black doom,dooms eye,silver,blaze,bunnie,chip,sonic the werehog,omacho,metal sonic,metal knuckles,super sonic,super shadow,super tails,dark sonic,super knuckles,eggmans grandfather,and i think that is pretty much all the characters.
Sonictherocker (Updated )
wow dude u know a lot of characters but u forgot about the older ones like Mighty, Ray and Bean and since u mentioned sally, bunny, why didn't u mentioned rotor, antoine... but anyways I guess I'm pushing too much now =)