good game
but I think it would be better to use arrow keys or ASDW as movement but that's my opinion good work keep it up
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good game
but I think it would be better to use arrow keys or ASDW as movement but that's my opinion good work keep it up
Will think about it.
it's good there's a lot to choose from and it's a little different from those "Dress-up" games.
Yeah, I made this for the sponsor use as an avatar creator for his users.
even better than the first one great job but I think it would be easier to make tails fly by pressing the jump button twice and not 2 different buttons but that's just an idea keep up the good work
Theres a reason why I have it set as the Up key instead of the Jump key.
I did do a test with the fly button as the Jump key, but that for some reason confused the player because they needed the arrow keys to move around at flight instead of rapid tapping. It appears to be easier to fly with just the arrow keys moving you around than with pressing the jump key to stay up in the air. It gives you better steering control making flying easier.
Hope that makes sense. lol
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